Monday, November 26, 2007

Fokhruz Zaman on Meet the Mentors by SQABD

Meet the Mentors” on Fokhruz Zaman, CTO at Millennium Information Solution Ltd. has been published by SQABD very recently. Check out this link for more details:

Please reply to this below URL with the names of the mentors you know, the company they work for, and the areas they thrived, i.e. Project Management, Software Quality Assurance, Software Architecture, Programming etc.

SQABD plans to interview these exceptional individuals and upload the recordings for everyone to hear.

Monday, June 18, 2007

SkypeCast was held for the SQABD Roundtable Meeting - 12th Session

In last 16th June, 2007 - SQABD ( has arranged its' 12th Roundtable Meeting on topic of "
State of Software Testing in Bangladesh" at Baton Rouge restaurant. Participants in the meeting was near about 20 persons. And there was an option for joining the meeting through SkypeCast. This Skypecast option for joining in SQABD meeting made people even to join from abroad and even for those person who were not able to join the meeting in person.

For a long time SQABD was thinking to come up with an option where our Bangladeshi Technical Experts from abroad can join the Roundtable Meetings and can add value to make it more productive. At last SQABD came up with the idea of using Skypecast at this 12th session in last Saturday so that anyone can join from anywhere.

Sometimes it becomes even tough for members who are not from Dhaka, and might not be able to attend this short 2/3 hours roundtable meeting coming from a remote area. So from now the SkypeCast will be a good way to join the SQABD Roundtable Meeting for anyone just by using a good broadband connection and Skype for connecting to SQABD Skypecast in time.

This is the 1st time any Technical Community in Bangladesh has arranged such an option for everyone to join through online which is more flexible to join for people who are in abroad or in a different city/remote area.

Please feel free to share your ideas or questions :)

Friday, June 15, 2007

State of Software Test Teams in BD - by SQABD

SQABD ( announced it's 12th Roundtable Meeting on "State of Software Test Teams in BD" which is going to be held on next Saturday [16th June, 2007]. Anyone can join through the SkypeCast of SQABD which will be starting after 04:00 pm Bangladesh Time.

Date and Time: Saturday, June 16, 2007 [4:00pm to 6:00pm Bangladesh Time]

Topic: "State of Software Test Teams in BD"

Participants: 15 to 20 (Invited guest) + number of persons through SkypeCast

Agenda of Discussion:
Selected Senior Test Engineers and Test Team Leads will come together to share their experiences in software testing. Discussions will include tester evaluation process, training, hiring, useful testing tools, overcoming issues with the development team etc. We will discuss what works and what does not work, based on our experience.


Please feel free to join the Skypecast and add value to the event.

See detail at SQABD - SQA Bangladesh Group.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Khandakar Asif Hasan on “Meet the Mentors” by SQABD

Some of us were lucky to have them in our professional career. Others only heard of their deeds from the lucky ones. They touched our career, improved our skills, inspired us to excel, motivated us to thrive, and showed us the path to success. They were our mentors.

Who are these extraordinary people in the Software Industry of Bangladesh? How did they shape the people around them? We need to know. We need to learn from them.

SQABD successfully released the 1st Meet the Mentors session with Khandakar Asif Hasan and introducing such resource podcasting in Bangladesh for the 1st time.

Khandakar Asif Hasan is the Director at Spectrum Engineering Consortium ltd. He has more than 13 years of professional experience. The discussion includes:

  • His working experience.
  • What it takes to be a Software Architect.
  • Training the human resources in a software company.
  • Government policies regarding the software industry.
  • Comparison with India.
  • Automation, tools, risk analysis.
  • Collaboration between software companies.
  • Internship program.
  • and more...

Please send your feedbacks how was this podcasting and propose your mentors in SQABD community so that SQABD can present them infront of all and know more :)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

2006 year roundup of SQABD

It was really a satisfactory restart of this SQA_Bangladesh Community in 2006 after a long break. Everything was possible only for the support of the members and VIP persons of different Software Companies. Thanks to BASIS for having interest in sponsoring SQABD in different stages. Lets start a new year with more new thoughts and views and objectives.

Happy New Year :)

2006 came and went. It was an important milestone for SQABD. We were on a mission. It was a journey, and it has just begun. :)
Here are some noteworthy activities of SQABD during 2006:
  1. The SQABD Management Team was formed.
  2. Outlined the SQABD manifesto, mission and vision.
  3. Held 10 roundtables on varying topics.
  4. Designed the SQABD logo.
  5. Registered
  6. SQABD has cooperation agreements with PHPExperts, JPGroup, .Net Community and PHP Resources.
  7. SQABD is now supported and promoted by BASIS.
  8. 50+ rich profiles of SQABD members with "LinkedIn SQABD".
  9. Acquired the audio recording gear for the upcoming podcasts on the mentors of the Bangladesh software industry.
  10. Moderate the mailing list for spam and job ads to keep it professional and useful for our busy members.
  11. Membership has doubled to 200+ by attracting the industry elites.
Like I said, this is the beginning of a journey. So here is a list of what is coming in 2007:
  1. Will recruit more volunteers for SQABD Management Team.
  2. Design and develop the SQABD website (partially done).
  3. More roundtables starting this January, on varying topics.
  4. Podcasts on the mentors of the Bangladesh software industry, starting this January.
  5. Build connections with more user groups.
  6. And more still in planning stage. Will mention these as soon as the plans mature.
Thank you all for being with us and making it an enjoyable and motivating ride. Stay tuned for a great year ahead. :)
Eid Mubarak and a Happy New Year to all of you!!

- Sajjadul Hakim

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